Genome Plasticity and B cells - Lab members

Lab members

  • Saïd AOUFOUCHI – Research Scientist – Group Leader
  • Dorine BONTE – Assistant professeur -Paris Sud University
  • Léticia KOCH- LERNER- Post doc
  • Morwenna Le GUILLOU – Engineer assistant Paris Sud University
  • Céline DECAUX- Master2 trainer programm UPMC
  • Charlène TRILLeaud - Master1 trainer programm UPMC
  • Roukia BELGADAR Undergraduate student –UPMC


Genome Plasticity and B cells - Publications

Major publications since 2009

  • Xavier Renaudin, Jean-Hugues Guervilly, Said Aoufouchi, and Filippo Rosselli.Proteome-wide analysis unveils a FANCA-modulated neddylation signaling pathway involved in CXCR5 membrane trafficking and cell mobility. 
  • J Cell Sci. 2014 Aug 15;127(Pt 16):3546-54. doi: 10.1242/jcs.150706. Epub 2014 Jul 11.

Genome Plasticity and B cells - Theme

Genome Plasticity and B cell

This group belongs to the group "TLS Polymerases: Genome Plasticity and Cancers" 

Our group associates researchers working on the coordination and regulation of DNA repair processes in B lymphocyte following AID expression and on the role of AID in B cell tumourigenesis. 

TLS Polymerases: Genome Plasticity and Cancers - Lab members

Lab members

  • Patricia Kannouche (Directeur de recherche- CNRS), Manager
  • Caroline Pouvelle (TCN CNRS)
  • Emmanuelle Despras (Post-Doc GR)
  • Sana Ahmed-Seguir (PhD student)
  • Noémie Delrieu (PhD student, 4ème année ED Cancérologie, University Paris Sud)
  • Yann Benureau (Engineer d’étude, GR- SIRIC)
  • Mégane Bouvet (Technician, CDD-CNRS)
  • Barbara Ben Yamin (Engineer assitant, CDD-CNRS)

TLS Polymerases: Genome Plasticity and Cancers - Publications

Publications since 2008

  • Sana Ahmed-Seghir, Caroline Pouvelle, Emmanuelle Despras, Agnès Cordonnier, Alain Sarasin and Patricia L Kannouche. Aberrant C-terminal Domain of Polymerase eta Targets the Functional Enzyme to the Proteosomal Degradation Pathway. DNA Repair, in revision.

Main Research Axes

Main research axes

Gustave Roussy's researchers and clinicians especially concentrate their work in the four main areas below, which combine basic research, clinical research, epidemiology and technology:


Main Research Axes - Molecular Medicine

Molecular medicine

Molecular medicine – or personalised medicine, still called precision medicine, – is based on a new approach to diagnosis, known as molecular diagnosis, which depends on analysis of the tumour genome. According to the results of this analysis, targeted drugs tailored to the genetic profile are tried. The objective is to be able to offer each patient drugs which are specifically targeted to the genetic profile of the tumour.     

Research Governance - Scientific Council

International Scientific Board

Gustave Roussy has renewed its Scientific Board in 2021, as well as the terms of its operation.
