BIOMAPS is a CNRS – Gustave Roussy – University of Paris-South Mixed Research Unit

This research unit is located on three sites:

UMR 9196

Physiology and Molecular Pathology of Endogenous and Infectious Retroviruses

This unit comprises an «Endogenous retrovirus and retroid elements in superior eukaryotes», group and a «Cell ultrastructure and functional organisation» group.

Integrative Tumor Immunology and Genetic Oncology - Lab members

Lab members

  • Fathia Mami-Chouaib (DR1 INSERM): group leader
  • Pascale Leroy (CRCN, CNRS)
  • Julien Adam (PH, IGR)
  • Stéphanie Corgnac (Post-Doc, IGR)
  • Marine Leclerc (Post-Doc, IGR)
  • Inès Malenica (Post-Doc, INSERM)
  • Isabelle Tihy (PhD student, Paris XI)
  • Gwendoline Gros (AI, INSERM)
  • Jamila Kacher (IE, CDD, INSERM)
  • Laetitia Grynszpan (TCN, CDD, IGR)
  • Vincent de Montpreville (PH, Centre Chirurgical Marie Lannelongue)
  • Clara Coelho Basto (M2, Paris XI)

CD8 T-cell immunity and immunotherapy in lung cancer - Publications

Major publications

1. DJENIDI F, ADAM J, GOUBAR A, DURGEAU A, MEURICE G, DE MONTPREVILLE V, VALIDIRE P, BESSE B and MAMI-CHOUAIB F. CD8+/CD103+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are tumor-specific tissue-resident memory T cells and a prognostic factor for survival in lung cancer patients. J Immunol. 2015 Apr 1;194(7):3475-86.

ImmunoRadAI - Lab members


Dr. Charlotte ROBERT (MCU, Paris Saclay, Gustave Roussy)


ImmunoRadAI - Publications

Major Publications

  • Meziani L, Gerbé de Thoré M, Hamon P, Bockel S, Andrade Louzada A, Clemenson C, Corré E, Liu W , Dupuy C, Mondini M, Deutsch E. “Dual oxidase 1 limits the IFNγ-associated antitumor effect of macrophages” J Immunother Cancer 2020

Tumour immunology and immunotherapy - Current research

Tumour immunology and immunotherapy

Group 1 of the Inserm (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) UMR 1015 research unit, « Tumour immunology and immunotherapy of cancer », is under the direction of Professor Laurence Zitvogel.  Between 2015 and 2018 it will be exploring three lines of research: 
-    Gut microbiota and pro- or anti-tumour inflammatory/immunological activity, by measuring the effect of specific therapies on their regulation, 
