Endogenous Retroviruses and retroid elements in higher eukaryotes -Publications


  • Risks linked to endogenous retroviruses for vaccine production: a general overview. Dewannieux M, Ribet D, Heidmann T. 
    Biologicals. 2010 May;38(3):366-70. PMID: 20335054 
  • Retroviral infection in vivo requires an immune escape virulence factor encrypted in the envelope protein of oncoretroviruses. Schlecht-Louf G, Renard M, Mangeney M, Letzelter C, Richaud A, Ducos B, Bouallaga I, Heidmann T. 
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 23;107(8):3782-7. PMID: 20142478 

Endogenous Retroviruses and retroid elements in higher eukaryotes - Current research

Endogenous retroviruses and retroid elements in
higher eukaryotes

The group is interested in retro-elements and, more particularly, in infectious and endogenous human retroviruses. We have identified a highly-conserved domain on the envelope proteins of these elements, which possess immunosuppressive properties and play an essential role in:

Genomics and oncogenesis of childhood brain tumors - Lab members

Lab members

Researchers / Teacher-researchers / PH:

  • Jacques GRILL (MD, PhD, HDR)
  • Marie-Anne DEBILY (MCU, Univ. d’Evry Val d’Essonne, HDR)
  • Gilles VASSAL (PU-PH, Univ. Paris-Saclay, HDR)
  • Marco BRUSCHI (Postdoctorant, GR)
  • Christelle DUFOUR (PH, GR)

Engineers / Technicians: 

Genomics and oncogenesis of childhood brain tumors - Publications

Major publications

  • 1: Werbrouck C, Evangelista CCS, Lobón-Iglesias MJ, Barret E, Le Teuff G, Merlevede J, Brusini R, Kergrohen T, Mondini M, Bolle S, Varlet P, Beccaria K, Boddaert N, Puget S, Grill J, Debily MA, Castel D. TP53 Pathway Alterations Drive Radioresistance in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas (DIPG). Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Nov 15; 25(22):6788-6800. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-0126.

Genomics and oncogenesis of childhood brain tumors

Genomics and oncogenesis of childhood brain tumors

This team belongs to the UMR 981 - Molecular predictors and new targets in oncology

The GOBT team is dedicated to understand the development mechanisms of pediatric brain tumors (in particular gliomas). We are looking for biological markers to identify these tumors more precisely, to understand their origin, to define their prognosis and to invent new treatments.

Double strand break repair and Genome Integrity - Lab members

Lab members

  • Gerard Mazón (CR, team co-leader)
  • Eric Le Cam (DR, team co-leader)
  • Pauline Dupaigne (CR)
  • Sonia Baconnais (IR)
  • Clara Basto (PhD Student, UPS)
  • Amina Serrar (M2 student)
  • Barbara Ly (M2 Student)
  • Raquel Iriarte (M1 Student)

We are open for prospective inquires for M2/PhD/Tech positions. Please contact us if you are seeking to apply for competitive calls for post-doctoral positions with a hosting laboratory.

Recent Past members (their current position):

Double strand break repair and Genome Integrity - Publications

Major publications

1: Muhammad AA, Basto C, Peterlini T, Guirouilh-Barbat J, Thomas M, Veaute X, Busso D, Lopez B, Mazon G, Le Cam E, Masson JY, Dupaigne P. Life Sci Alliance. 2023 Dec 11;7(3):e202201751. doi: 10.26508/lsa.202201751. Print 2024 Mar. PMID: 38081641

Mechanisms of DNA Repair and Carcinogenesis - Lab members

Lab members

  • Alexandre A. ISHCHENKO, CNRS
  • Stéphane RICHARD, MD, EPHE
  • Sophie COUVE, EPHE
  • Sophie FERLICOT, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Dominique BLUTEAU, EPHE  
  • Kévin BOQUET, EPHE  
  • Victoria POILLERAT, EPHE  
  • Maeva LOOCK, Université Paris-Saclay  
  • Thomas LEJOUR, Université Paris-Saclay  
  • Hugo LE BON, EPHE  
  • Aizhan ALIKUL

Mechanisms of DNA Repair and Carcinogenesis - Publications

Major publications

  • Matkarimov, B.T., Zharkov, D.O., and SAPARBAEV, M.K. (2019) Mechanistic insight into the role of Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in DNA topology modulation and response to DNA damage. Mutagenesis, Nov 29. pii: gez045. doi: 10.1093/mutage/gez045/5646155.
