Et si le digital limitait le risque de récidive d'un cancer du sein ?
C'est la mission que s'est donnée Resilience : universaliser l'excellence médicale en oncologie pour vivre mieux et plus longtemps.
Après six mois de R&D, Resilience dévoile une application mobile destinée à améliorer les chances de survie et la qualité de vie des patient·e·s touché·e·s par un cancer du sein localisé.
Stimulating the immune system by a vaccine targeting a number of proteins expressed by cancer cells might be a novel therapeutic option in patients suffering with advanced non-small cell lung tumours where checkpoint-inhibiting (PD-1/PD-L1) immunotherapy has failed.
Le Pr Fabrice Barlesi, directeur général de Gustave Roussy nomme Sylvain Ducroz directeur général adjoint de l’Institut, après avis favorable du Conseil d’Administration. Il prend ses fonctions le 20 septembre et appuiera le Pr Barlesi aux côtés du directeur de la recherche et de la directrice médicale.
The RACE AI study conducted by Gustave Roussy and the startup Owkin, as part of the AI for Health Challenge organized by the Ile-de-France Region in 2019, was presented as a proffered paper at ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology). This study shows that thanks to deep learning analysis applied to digitized pathology slides, artificial intelligence can classify patients with localized breast cancer between high risk and low risk of metastatic relapse in the next five years .
Cairo, Egypt and Villejuif & Buc, France – September 7, 2021
Speeding up Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Egypt: GE Healthcare, Gustave Roussy and the Egypt Ministry of Health Partner to Create Rapid Breast Cancer Diagnosis Clinics
GE Healthcare, Gustave Roussy and the Egypt Ministry of Health (MOH) signed a preliminary agreement leveraging Gustave Roussy’s One Stop Breast Cancer diagnostics program to increase the speed and the accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis in Egypt.