Supportive Care

Treatment and care

In addition to specific cancer treatments, care referred to as supportive is advocated to ensure that Gustave Roussy patients receive an overall management and the best possible quality of life possible.

The quality of life of patients can be changed not only by their illness, but also by secondary effects and as a result of treatment sequellae. This is why at Gustave Roussy, supportive care is an integral part of management from the onset of treatment and sometimes long after it has ended. It focuses particularly on:

Brain tumour - second opinion

Demande de second avis médical - Tumeur du cerveau

Pour effectuer une demande de second avis médical, merci de nous adresser les éléments suivants :

  • Coordonnées du patient : Nom, prénom, adresse postale et adresse e-mail
  • Coordonnées du médecin traitant ou du médecin adressant la demande : Nom, prénom, adresse postale et adresse e-mail. L'avis médical sera adressé à ce médecin.
  • Courrier médical de synthèse du dossier ou dossier complet
  • Compte-rendu histo-pathologique (diagnostic de la maladie)

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Phone: +33 (0)1 42 11 42 11

International Patients

► Request an appointment or a second opinion

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Ce site est édité par Gustave Roussy.

Adresse juridique
Institut Gustave Roussy
39 bis, rue Camille Desmoulins
94805 Villejuif Cedex
N° SIRET : 775 741 101 00031

Directeur de la publication
Professeur Fabrice Barlesi
Directeur général de Gustave Roussy



Création, développement et hébergement

1bis - 3, Boulevard Richard Lenoir
75011 Paris
Tel: +33 (0)1 55 38 16 60



Gustave Roussy
Nicolas Guerbe
Stéphanie Têtu
Elisabeth Bret-Sayer


Quality and safety

Safety of administered health-care

The quality and safety of care are a priority at Gustave Roussy.

Medical advances over the last 20 years have brought major innovations in technology, drugs, surgery, etc.

These advances, as with any medical practice, always carry a risk.  

That is why, whenever diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are carried out during your care, the health-care professionals always have in mind the benefits that they may bring you but also the risks they carry and the side effects which might follow.
