UMR 9018

Head of unit:
Catherine Brenner

Contact :
Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 11 44 91

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UMR 9018

UMR 9018 - Metabolic and systemic aspects of oncogenesis for new therapeutic approaches (METSY)

Catherine Brenner



Head of unit: Dr Catherine Brenner



The research program developped by the laboratory aim at the discovery and characterization of new targets for the treatment of cancers and the development of innovative therapeutic strategies (adenoviral vectors, nanoparticles, small molecules).

Three main scientific objectives are being pursued:

  • to better understand the metabolic plasticity of cancer cells
  • to characterise host-tumour interactions in head and neck carcinomas
  • to study the dynamics of chromatin and metabolism in cancer, particularly in Burkitt lymphoma

This Research Unit is subdivided into three teams:



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