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1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés

Médecine de précision cancers pédiatriques et thérapeutiques expérimentales

Birgit Geoerger
Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 11 46 61

Frise de présentation (bandeau): 
Médecine de précision cancers pédiatriques et thérapeutiques expérimentales

Publications majeures

  1. Geoerger B, Kang HJ, Yalon-Oren M, Marshall LV, Vezina C, Pappo A, Laetsch TW, Petrilli AS, Handgretinger R, Toporski J, Glade-Bender J, Nicholls W, Fox E, DuBois SG, Macy M, Cohn S, Pathiraja K, Diede S, Ebbinghaus S, Pinto N. Phase 1/2 KEYNOTE-051 study of pembrolizumab in pediatric patients with advanced melanoma or a PD-L1+ advanced, relapsed or refractory solid tumor or lymphoma. Lancet Oncol. 2020 Jan;21(1):121-133. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30671-0. PMID:31812554
  2. Geoerger B, Zwaan CM, Marshall LV, Michon J, Bourdeaut F, Casanova M, Corradini N, Rossato G, Farid-Kapadia M, Shemesh C, Hutchinson K, Donaldson F, Liao M, Caron H, Trippet T.  iMATRIX-Atezolizumab, a safety, and pharmacokinetics and activity study of atezolizumab in pediatric and young adult patients with previously treated solid tumors. Lancet Oncol. 2020 Jan;21(1):134-144. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30693-X. PMID:31780255
  3. Laurent AP, Siret A, Ignacimouttou C, Panchal K, Diop M, Jenni S, Tsai YC, Roos-Weil D, Aid Z, Prade N, Lagarde S, Plassard D, Pierron G, Daudigeos E, Lecluse Y, Droin N, Bornhauser BC, Cheung LC, Crispino JD, Gaudry M, Bernard OA, Macintyre E, Barin Bonnigal C, Kotecha RS, Geoerger B, Ballerini P, Bourquin JP, Delabesse E, Mercher T, Malinge S. Constitutive activation of RAS/MAPK pathway cooperates with trisomy 21 and is therapeutically exploitable in Down syndrome B-cell leukemia. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Mar 27. pii: clincanres.3519.2019. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-3519. PMID:32220889
  4. Dupain C, Gracia C, Harttrampf AC, Rivière J, Geoerger B, Massaad-Massade L.  Newly identified LMO3-BORCS5 fusion oncogene in Ewing sarcoma at relapse is a driver of tumor progression.  Oncogene. 2019 Nov;38(47):7200-7215. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0914-3. PMID:31488873
  5. Marques Da Costa ME, Marchais A, Gomez-Brouchet A, Job B, Assoun N, Daudigeos E, Fromigue O, Santos C, Geoerger B, Gaspar N. In-vitro and in-vivo establishment and characterization of bioluminescent orthotopic chemotherapy-resistant human osteosarcoma models in NSG mice. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jul 17;11(7). pii: E997. doi: 10.3390/cancers11070997. PMID:31319571
  6. Harrington CT, Sotillo E, Robert A, Hayer KE, Bogusz A, Psathas J, Yu D, Taylor D, Dang CV, Klein P, Hogarty M, Geoerger B, El-Deiry WS, Wiels J, Thomas-Tikhonenko A.  Pharmacological inhibition of GSK-3 boosts MYC-dependent extrinsic apoptosis and therapeutic responses of refractory B-cell lymphomas. Leukemia. 2019 Oct;33(10):2429-2441. doi: 10.1038/s41375-019-0454-4.
  7. Dupain C*, Harttrampf AC*, Boursin Y, Lebeurrier M, Rondof W, Robert-Siegwald G, Khoueiry P, Geoerger B, Massaad-Massade L. Discovery of new fusion transcripts in a cohort of pediatric solid cancers at relapse and relevance for personalized medicine. Mol Ther. 2019 Jan 2;27(1):200-218. doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2018.10.022. PMID:30509566
  8. Marques Da Costa ME, Daudigeos-Dubus E, Brouchet A, Bawa O,  Rouffiac V, Serra M,  Scolandi K, Santos C, Geoerger B, Gaspar N.  Establishment and Characterization of In vivo orthotopic bioluminescent xenograft models from human osteosarcoma cell lines in nude and NSG mice. Cancer Med. 2018 Mar;7(3):665-676. doi: 10.1002/cam4.1346. PMID:29473324
  9. Boeva V, Louis-Brennetot C, Peltier A, Durand S, Pierre-Eugène C, Raynal V, Etchevers H, Thomas S, Lermine A, Daudigeos-Dubus E, Geoerger B, Orth MF, Grünewald TGP, Diaz E, Ducos B, Surdez D, Carcaboso AM, Medvedeva I, Deller T, Combaret V, Lapouble E, Pierron G, Grossetête-Lalami S, Baulande S, Schleiermacher G, Barillot E, Rohrer H, Delattre O, Janoueix-Lerosey I.  Heterogeneity of neuroblastoma identity revealed by transcriptional circuitries.  Nat Genet. 2017 Sep;49(9):1408-1413. doi: 10.1038/ng.3921. PMID:28740262
  10. Harttrampf AC, Lacroix L, Deloger M, Deschamps F, Puget S, Auger N, Vielh P, Varlet P, Balogh Z, Abbou S, Allorant A, Valteau-Couanet D, Sarnacki S, Gamiche-Rolland L, Meurice G, Minard-Colin V, Grill J, Brugieres L, Dufour C, Gaspar N, Michels S, Vassal G, Soria JC, Geoerger B.  MOlecular Screening for CAncer Treatment Optimization (MOSCATO-01) in pediatric patients: A monocentric prospective molecular stratification trial. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Oct 15;23(20):6101-6112. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0381. PMID:28733441
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