
Gustave Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex - France


Tel : +33 (0)1 42 11 42 11


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1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés

Villejuif, September 24th, 2020

World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2021

Newsweek magazine places Gustave Roussy among the top 5 best cancer hospitals in the world

According to the World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2021 ranking by Newsweek magazine, Gustave Roussy is in 5th position worldwide and 1st hospital outside of the United States. This ranking emphasizes the international recognition for excellence in care and powerful research performed by the Institute. It also means that patients, whose decision to choose the right hospital is determined mainly by the hospital’s reputation, can be confident and receive in France both the best care and the most effective clinical research.

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WORLD'S BEST SPECIALIZED HOSPITALS 2021"We are proud to be one of the world's top 5 cancer centers along with four American giants. This ranking is an important recognition of our savoir-faire and team expertise. Both our medical staff and scientists play an important part in making French healthcare one of the best in the world. Gustave Roussy has the ability to meet all the challenges of the 21st century: to detect, to study, to fight against, to care for and to overcome cancer" explains Professor Jean-Charles Soria, CEO of Gustave Roussy.

This new ranking reinforces Gustave Roussy's international reputation. Honored every year in the Clarivate ranking, with 10 of its experts featuring in the 2019 list of the world's most "Highly cited researchers". Gustave Roussy's physician-scientists are also regularly awarded prizes at international congresses by learned societies or major research organizations or foundations. Knowledge production is intensive, with 1,800 international publications, including more than 60 in highly cited papers (journal impact factor greater than 30).

Today, the Institute is a key player in the world for early trials, immunotherapy and precision medicine clinical trials. Nearly a quarter of Gustave Roussy's patients are part of a clinical study.

Today, by developing its new institutional strategic plan for the next ten years, Gustave Roussy is all geared up for the fight against cancer and the growing complexity of the disease, all for the benefit of their patients. The World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2021 ranking was produced by Newsweek magazine and the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, Statista, Inc. Together they expanded their expertise by looking for the first time at specialties, ranking the best hospitals in oncology, cardiology and endocrinology.

In total over 40,000 medical experts (doctors, health care professionals and hospital managers) from over 20 countries were invited to participate in an online survey. Participants were asked to recommend hospitals based on their expertise in one primary medical field (e.g. Cardiology for Cardiologists) and were also able to choose another area of expertise in which they were also knowledgeable, (e.g. due to frequent cooperation with other medical fields). These second recommendations had a lower impact than the primary recommendations. The questionnaire did not suggest a list of recommended hospitals; therefore, respondents were free to suggest any hospital they considered recommendable. Self-recommendations were not allowed.

For further information on this survey:

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