
Gustave Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex - France


Tel : +33 (0)1 42 11 42 11


Avant toute venue aux urgences, il est impératif de téléphoner au (0)1 42 11 42 11. En cas de venue sans appel préalable, vous serez transféré dans un autre hôpital.

1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés


Gustave Roussy 2015 Annual Report

The Gustave Roussy 2015 Annual Report contains a review and the highlights of 2015, a year rich in events and innovations: launch of new unit, deployment of an extensive services program, transformation of the Chevilly-Larue site following the merger, significant scientific advances notably in immunotherapy and targeted therapies, investments in high-technology equipment, consolidation of international partnerships, and more.

Entitled Revolution(s), the 2015 Annual Report underscores Gustave Roussy's ambition to implement a triple revolution: human, scientific and technological. By means of its healthcare, research and teaching missions, Gustave Roussy aims to provide therapeutic innovation to as many patients as possible.

Driven by its values of creativity, energy, goodwill and sharing, Gustave Roussy continues to develop a program to bring hope to patients, with innovation firmly at the heart of its strategy, now more than ever before.