
Gustave Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex - France


Tel : +33 (0)1 42 11 42 11


Avant toute venue aux urgences, il est impératif de téléphoner au (0)1 42 11 42 11. En cas de venue sans appel préalable, vous serez transféré dans un autre hôpital.

1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés


From care to taking care: a new programme of services

Gustave Roussy is recalibrating services for patients and their families, to range from care to taking care. By launching the “Infiniment Vous, spirit of service at Gustave Roussy” programme, the Institute is placing the patient at the centre of its concerns, so offering continuing compassion as well as care. Gustave Roussy is committed to taking its services forward!

Gustave Roussy is a driver of scientific and  technological  progress  but  it  also  incarnates  another  vision  of  the  hospital: a new model of excellence based on  humanity  and  service  to  benefit  the  patient.  It  is  launching  the  “Infiniment  Vous, spirit of service at Gustave Roussy” programme and reinventing the concept of service within a hospital dedicated to patient care and to research.

From care to taking care

In this programme Gustave Roussy thinks of  the  patient  in  the  round:  firstly  as  a  patient at the centre of medical attention, but also as an individual in need of kindness and ease, of greater independence and  of  personalised  human  relations.  “Infiniment Vous” has been created taking account  of observations  and  emotions  expressed by patients and medical staff with the aim of increasing trust, offering support during treatment and building a new environment. Five themes have been identified to follow this through:

  • Communicating,  to  strengthen  bonds  with the patient;
  • Welcoming, so the patient is supported at every stage of the care pathway;
  • Taking care of oneself, to reconcile the patient with his/her body;
  • Offering services which make hospital stays easier;
  • Monitoring, so as always to be aware of the patient’s needs and expectations.

A programme looking to 2020

Some of the services which inform this programme are already in place or being set  up;  others  are  still  at  the  planning  stage.  With  its  “Infiniment  Vous”  programme,  the  Institute  is  committed  to  implement  these  during  the  next  four  years and make them permanent. These arrangements  are  contributing  or  will  do  so  to  improving  patient  care.  As  an  example  we  can  take  the  refashioning  of the entire reception system with digital display screens in the waiting areas, new signage and orientation posts. Others include  Molitor  Évasion  (an  innovative  fitness programme), provision for periods of  relaxation  (beauty  care,  sophrology,  relaxation   therapy   and   martial   arts)   and MyHospiFriends, a dedicated social medium network for patients. This programme is completely embedded in the Institute’s Hospital Plan and publicized in its Innovation Manifesto. It is and will be largely financed through appeals to the public’s generosity and that of sponsors.