
Gustave Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex - France


Tel : +33 (0)1 42 11 42 11


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1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés

Epidémiologie des radiations

Florent de Vathaire
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 42 11 41 40

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Frise de présentation (bandeau): 
Epidémiologie des radiations
  • Xhaard C, Ren Y, Clero E, Maillard S, Brindel P, Rachedi F, Boissin JL, Sebbag J, Shan L, Bost-Bezeaud F, Petitdidier P, Drozdovitch V, Doyon F, Rubino C, de Vathaire F. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma risk factors in French Polynesia. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014
  • Haddy N, Tartier L, Koscielny S, Adjadj E, Rubino C, Brugières L, Pacquement H, Diallo I, de Vathaire F, Averbeck D, Hall J, Benhamou S. Repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage and risk of second cancer in childhood cancer survivors. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Apr 19.
  • de Vathaire F, El-Fayech C, Fedhila Ben Ayed F, Haddy N, Guibout C, Winter D, Thomas-Teinturier C, Veres C, Jackson A, Pacquement H, Schlumberger M, Hawkins M, Diallo I, Oberlin O. Radiation dose to the pancreas and risk of diabetes mellitus in childhood cancer survivors: a retrospective ascertained cohort study. Lancet Oncology 2012; 13:1002-1010.
  • Haddy N, Mousannif A, Tukenova T, Guibout C, Grill G, Dhermain F, Pacquement H, Oberlin O, El-Fayech C, Thomas-Teinturier C, Le-Deley MC, Hawkins M, Winter D, Diallo I, de Vathaire F. Radiation dose to the brain and long-term cerebrovascular mortality following childhood cancer. Brain 2011; 134:1362-72.
  • Bouillon K, Haddy H, Delaloge S, Garby JR, Garsi G, Brindel P, Mousannif A, Lê MG, Labbe M, Arriagada A, Jougla E, Chavaudra J, Diallo I, Rubino C, de Vathaire F. Very long-term cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer. J Americ Col Cardiol. 2011; 57:445-52.
  • Bouillon K, Haddy H, Delaloge S, Garby JR, Garsi G, Brindel P, Mousannif A, Lê MG, Labbe M, Arriagada A, Jougla E, Chavaudra J, Diallo I, Rubino C, de Vathaire F. Very long-term cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer. J Americ Col Cardiol. 2011; 57:445-52.
  • Tukenova M, Guibout C, Oberlin O, Doyon F, Mousannif A, Haddy N, Guérin S, Pacquement H, Aouba A, Hawkins M, Winter D, Bourhis J, Lefkopoulos D, Diallo I, de Vathaire F. Long-term overall and cardiovascular mortality following childhood cancer: the role of cancer treatment. J Clin Oncol; 2010 ; 28:108-15.
  • Diallo I, Haddy N, Adjadj E, Samand A, Quiniou E, Chavaudra J, Alziar I, Perret N, Guérin S, Lefkopoulos D, de Vathaire F. Frequency Distribution of Second Solid Cancer Locations in Relation to the Irradiated Volume Among 115 Patients Treated for Childhood Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009;74:876-83.
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