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1er centre de lutte contre le cancer en Europe, 3 000 professionnels mobilisés

Mort cellulaire, Immunité et Innovation Thérapeutique

Jean-Luc Perfettini

Nathalie Viola
Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 11 52 96

Frise de présentation (bandeau): 
Mort cellulaire, Immunité et Innovation Thérapeutique

Publications majeures

1. Allouch A, Paoletti A, Wu Q, Subra F, Di Pimio C, Cereseto A, Martins I, Voisin L, Dakhli H, Law F, Nardacci R, Saidi H, David A, Solary E, Deutsch E Modjtahedi N, Ojcius DM, Pancino G, Saez-Cirion A, Piacentini M, Gougeon ML, Kroemer G and Perfettini JL. Microtubule-associated SUGT1 protein dictates retroviral trafficking and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Cell Death Diff. (2020). doi:10.1038/s41418-020-0573-5.

2. Delahousse J, Skarberk C, Desbois m, Perfettini JL, Chaput N and Paci A. Oxazaphosphorines combined with immune checkpoint blockers :dose-dependent tuning between immune and cytotoxic effects. J Immunother Cancer. 8(2020) :e000916.

3. Paoletti A, Allouch A, Caillet M, Saidi H, Subra F, Nardacci R, Wu Q, Muradova Z, Voisin L, Raza SQ, Law F, Delelis O, Poirier-Beaudouin B, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Le Grand R, Lambotte O, Saez-Cirion A, Pancino G, Ojcius DM, Solary E, Deutsch E, Piacentini M, Gougeon ML, Kroemer G and Perfettini JL. Functional interaction between NLRP3 and P2Y2 innate sensors coordinates macrophage immune checkpoint and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Cell Rep. 28(2019) :3381-3394.

4. Wu Q, Allouch A, Paoletti A, Leteur C, Mirjolet C, Martins I, Voisin L, Law F, Dakhli H, Mintet E, Gauthier M, Caron O, Milliat F, Ojcius DM, Rosselli F, Solary E, Modjtahedi N, Deutsch E and Perfettini JL. The NOX2-dependent ATM kinase activation dictates pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype and improves effectiveness to radiation therapy. Cell Death Differ. 2017 Jun 2. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2017.91.

5. Séror C, Melki MT, Subra F, Raza SQ, Saïdi H, Nardacci R, Voisin L, Martins I, Amendola A, Abdul-Sater AA, Ciccosanti F, Delelis O, Niedergang F, Thierry S, Lamaze C, Métivier D, Estaquier J, Fimia GM, Falasca L, Modjtahedi N, Kanellopoulos J, Mouscadet JF, Ojcius DM, Piacentini M, Gougeon ML, Kroemer G and Perfettini JL. Extracellular ATP acts on P2Y2 purinergic receptors to facilitate HIV-1 infection. J Exp Med. 208(2011)1823-34.

6. Perfettini JL, Nardacci R, Séror C, Raza SQ, Sepe S, Saïdi H, Brottes F, Amendola A., Subra F, Del Nonno F, Chessa L, D'Incecco A, Gougeon ML, Piacentini M and Kroemer G. 53BP1 represses mitotic catastrophe in syncytia elicited by the HIV-1 envelope. Cell Death Differ. 17(2010):811-20.

7. Perfettini JL, Nardacci R, Seror C, Bourouba M, Subra F, Gros L, Manic G, Amendola A, Masdehors P, Rosselli F, Ojcius DM, Auclair C, de Thé H, Gougeon ML, Piacentini M and G. Kroemer. The tumor suppressor protein PML controls apoptosis induced by the HIV-1 envelope. Cell Death Differ. 16(2009):298-311.

8. Perfettini JL, Castedo M, Nardacci R, Ciccosanti F, Boya P, Roumier T, Larochette N, Piacentini M and G. Kroemer. Essential role of p53 Phosphorylation by p38 MAPK in apoptosis induction by the HIV-1 envelope.  J Exp Med. 201(2005):279-89.

9. Perfettini JL, Kroemer RT and G. Kroemer. Fatal liaisons of p53 with Bax and Bak. Nat Cell Biol. 6(2004):386-388.

10. Perfettini JL, Roumier T, Castedo M, Larochette N, Boya P,  Raynal B, Lazar V, Ciccosanti F, Nardacci R, Penninger J, Piacentini M and G. Kroemer. NF-B and p53 Are the Dominant Apoptosis-Inducing Transcription Factors Elicited by the HIV-1 Envelope. J Exp Med. 199(2004):629-640.

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