Course ODYSSEA, samedi 2 février 2019

Villejuif, le 4 février 2019

Lutte contre le cancer : la Plagne s'engage
Course Odysséa, samedi 2 février 2019

Cet hiver, la Plagne a rejoint le circuit Odysséa et a proposé ce jour une course solidaire sur la neige. Alors que lundi 4 février se tient la journée mondiale pour la lutte contre le cancer, la station savoyarde a pris un peu d'avance en donnant le top départ à une véritable vague rose.


Surgery - breast surgery

Breast surgery

Fully integrated plastic surgery of the breast

At Gustave Roussy, surgery for breast cancer is no longer synonymous with mutilation.
Cosmetic mammary reconstruction is fully incorporated within the management of this condition at every stage. More than 2,000 patients have surgery each year for breast cancer and more than 500 reconstructive procedures are carried out, making the Institute the leading breast reconstruction centre in France.

Surgery - gynaecological surgery

Gynaecological surgery

At Gustave Roussy, more than 90% of patients undergoing surgery for uterine cancer (cervical cancer or cancer of the endometrium) have minimally invasive (laparoscopic) surgery. This applies both for surgery involving the uterus itself (simple or extended hysterectomy) and for removal of lymph nodes (node clearance). This surgical technique results in less pain than that experienced following laparotomy (opening of the abdomen), recovery is quicker and normal activities can be resumed earlier.     

Surgery - ENT Surgery

ENT Surgery

ENT cancer is frequently treated surgically.  In general, this applies to well-demarcated tumours. In addition to resecting the tumour and surrounding tissue, the surgeon also removes affected lymph nodes. Major advances have been made in this surgery and it is now frequently the case that in a single operation the tumour can be ablated, with tissue taken from nearby or elsewhere (flaps) being used to replace what has been removed.     
