Pr Antoine Italiano (institut Bergonié) joins Gustave Roussy to head the precision oncology program

Villejuif, 25 february 2020

Pr Antoine Italiano (institut Bergonié) joins Gustave Roussy to head the precision oncology program

Gustave Roussy announces the creation of a new generation precision medicine program, under the direction of Professor Antoine Italiano, currently in charge of the Early Phase Trials Unit at Institut Bergonié (Bordeaux, France). Pr Antoine Italiano will join Gustave Roussy's teams at part-time on March 1 2020 and will work at both sites.

Journée Roger Monier 2020

Journée Roger Monier

Cancer: cell autonomous versus non-cell autonomous processes

Le Vendredi 27 mars 2020 à Gustave Roussy, Villejuif
Pavillon de Recherche 2 – salle Roger Monier



Le projet BOOST-dataS (BiOlogical OSTeosarcoma data Sharing) a pour objectif de créer une base de données nationale unique, rassemblant des données cliniques, biologiques, génomiques et radiomiques issues de patients atteints d'ostéosarcome.
