Cancer at work

Gustave Roussy: 1st hospital to join Cancer@Work

As Europe's leading cancer centre, Gustave Roussy is now the first hospital to have joined the Cancer@Work corporate club, a public-interest association set up in 2012, dedicated to the subject of cancer and illness in the workplace.

Gustave Roussy is committed to setting up initiatives to help employees affected by cancer to integrate, stay in work and improve their quality of life at work.

Health democracy

As a public health player, Gustave Roussy attaches great importance to health democracy. This term covers patients' rights and the desire to involve all players in the healthcare system in the development and implementation of healthcare policies. In line with one of the recommendations of the French National Authority for Health (HAS), which aims to support and encourage the involvement of patients in the world of healthcare, Gustave Roussy has been working for several years to encourage the creation of spaces and bodies for the involvement of patients and their carers.

The Lancet - A clinical trial proves the efficacy of sunitinib in the treatment of rare neuroendocrine tumors

Villejuif, 12 March 2024

The Lancet
A clinical trial proves the efficacy of sunitinib in the treatment of rare neuroendocrine tumors

Led by Dr. Éric Baudin, head of Gustave Roussy’s endocrine tumors committee, the European trial FIRSTMAPP is the first-ever randomized clinical trial concerning phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas, rare neuroendocrine tumors. The results, published in February 2024 in The Lancet, show the efficacy of sunitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor.

Dana-Farber and Gustave Roussy to hold third Transatlantic Exchange: Annual scientific conference dedicated to advancing Oncology research and practice

27th February 2024

Dana-Farber and Gustave Roussy to hold third Transatlantic Exchange: Annual scientific conference dedicated to advancing Oncology research and practice

Day-long session to focus on liquid biopsy as an emerging approach in precision cancer medicine.

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA, USA) and Gustave Roussy (Grand Paris, Villejuif, France) have announced that the Third Transatlantic Exchange in Oncology Conference will address: Liquid Biopsy as an Emerging Approach in Precision Cancer Medicine.
