UMR 981

Head of the lab
Fabrice André

Bâtiment de médecine moléculaire, Niveau 1


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UMR 981

UMR 981 - Molecular predictors and new targets in oncology

Directed by Prof.Fabrice André, this Mixed Research Unit (Inserm - Gustave Roussy - University of Paris Sud) is a multiple team unit:

The Unit is composed of 80 FTE including five University professors, three assistant or associate professors, five Inserm researchers and three CNRS researchers.

The aim of the Unit is to identify new targets that drive cancer progression, identify molecular predictors and to develop targeted therapies.

The questions addressed by the unit members are:

  • the characterization of molecular events driving the evolution from primary tumors to metastases;
  • interaction between angiogenesis and anti-tumor immunity;
  • mechanisms of resistance to kinases targeted therapy;
  • translation and regulation of proteostasis in drug-resistance;
  • vulnerabilities of diffuse midline glioma;
  • the non-coding mutational landscape of Basal cell carcinoma.

The identification of candidate targets is done through large scale molecular analyses of patient cohorts, ideally from prospective clinical trials.

The unit is integrated in the same precision medicine building as translational research platform, bioinformatics platform and the biostatistics team of the CESP research center. Through Gustave Roussy and UNICANCER, the Unit has access to samples from clinical trials in which the unit members are involved as investigators.


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