Cell Biology of Organelle Networks

Team leader:
Kristine Schauer
Tel: +33 (0) 01 42 11 41 29

Bâtiment de médecine moléculaire,
Niveau 2, pièce 205


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Cell Biology of Organelle Networks

Team members

  • Kristine Schauer, PhD, DR2 CNRS, PI
  • Emna Ouni, PhD, postdoc (Paris Region Fellowship Programme, PRfP & Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship)
  • Julien Pernier, PhD, postdoc
  • Julie Patat, PhD student Université Paris-Saclay
  • Marina Gayat, Alternance student Sup'Biotech Villejuif
  • Nour Ismail, Chargé d’étude
  • Inna Traore, M2 AgroRennesAngers Engineer Program
  • Laura Ricco, M2 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Master, University of Padua, Italy, Erasmus+


  • Alexandre Leuci, postdoc (now postdoc @ Dargaud lab, UR4609 Université Lyon 1)
  • Pallavi Mathur, PhD student (now postdoc @ Robert Rottapel lab, Toronto, Canada)
  • Hugo Lachuer, PhD student (now postdoc @ Nicolas Borghi lab, Institut Jaques Monod, Paris)
  • Ana Landajuela & Carolina Gomis-Perez, visiting postdocs from Erdem Karatekin lab, Yale - School of Medicine and the Nanobiology Institute West Haven, USA
  • Anahi Capmany, visiting scientist from CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina, Ecos program
  • Margaux Bouvelot (now @ BFA - Unité de Biologie Fonctionnelle et Adaptative - CNRS UMR 8251 with Veronique Monnier, Paris)