Cachan, 5 may 2022

2002-2022: DOSIsoft delivering 20 years of Innovation

2022 is a milestone year for DOSIsoft-Leading provider of Patient-specific software solutions for Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine -celebrating its 20-year-involvement in delivering innovation for cancer care worldwide.

20-year-commitment: one vision, same identity

Spin-off between Gustave Roussy and Institut Curie, the 2 reference Cancer Treatment centers in France and Europe, DOSIsoft was created in 2002, as a family-owned start-up, under the management and leadership of Hanna Kafrouni, PhD, starting from a simple, entrepreneurial, and engineering idea: “providing Dosimetry Software Solutions” for radiation therapy (RT), as meant by its logo DOSIsoft.

Time goes on; even though healthcare landscape changesand cancer patient concerns evolve, its ambition remains to help RT professionals deliver safe, efficient & personalized Cancer Treatments. Guided by the initial spirit and leveraging its strong medical imaging, dosimetry & digital expertise, DOSIsoft is now recognized as a key player in the dosimetry market.

20-year-innovation: one mission, global expansion

Constantly improved over 20 years, its cutting-edge solutions offer exclusive and distinctive features in patient diagnosis, treatment planning, dose computation, quality assurance and cancer disease follow-up. They matured through collaborations with a unique network of leading academic, scientific and clinical partners in France and Europe, and through several ambitious collaborative projects in IT, Digital technologies, Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine.

Today, two flagship product lines –ThinkQA (Patient Quality Assurance for RT) and PLANET®(Molecular Imaging & RadioTherapy) –have been adopted successfully by over 300 hospital centers in 50 countries throughout the world, thanks in particular toits recent global industry partnership with Elekta on Patient-QA software solutions.

20-year-success: one team, bright future

The past 20 years were full of exciting events, unexpected outcomes, sometimes risky & difficult moments. What makes DOSIsoft successful is itshighly experienced and qualified team –today, over 45 talented people working in two offices based in France and USA.

“DOSIsoft can be proud of its success and share it with its customers, partners, shareholders and employees” said Marc Uszynski, current CEO of DOSIsoft. “The years to come would be another adventure full of innovations, still dedicated to improving cancer treatments tailored for each patient.”

"For 100 years, Gustave Roussyhas worked to accelerate access to innovation for cancer patients. It's in the DNA of our institution," said Professor Fabrice Barlesi, CEO of Gustave Roussy. "Our partnership within DOSIsoft is part of this tradition by allowing us to leverage the best technological solutions in all areas of oncology for better quality and reliability of care,”

"It is with great satisfaction that I join the 20th anniversary of DOSIsoft, the first start-up that was ever created by Institut Curie. Over the years, a multitude of collaborations have been established around innovation in radiotherapy, a key therapeutic issue for InstitutCurie, the leading center in France thanks in particular toa unique technical platform that is among the most efficient in Europe. 20 years later, I am impressed by the path taken by DOSIsoftand its dazzling success, put at the service of an ambition that I share: to continue to innovate in order to provide patients with new treatments to fight cancer effectively. Finally, this longevity reflects the solidity of InstitutCurie’s innovations and the importance of putting them at the service of the creation of companies that will bring these cutting-edge technologies to all patients,” explains Prof. Steven Le Gouill, Director of Institut Curie Hospital Group.

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