Doctoral School of Oncology

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Doctoral School of Oncology

Doctoral School of Oncology: biological sciences, medicine, health (CBMS – ED 418)

The Doctoral School of Oncology (Ecole Doctorale 418 – Doctoral School 418) was established in 2000 within the Faculty of Medicine - Paris-Sud University in association with the Cachan Ecole Normale Supérieure and Gustave Roussy.
This Doctoral School with its emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration offers its students professional training and qualification in the field of oncology. This training incorporates the practice of research linked to the presentation of a thesis, together with additional training (teaching in Gustave Roussy Education, courses shared with the other EDs in the Paris-Sud University and teaching modules from the M2 year in specialised Cancer Medicine).

The School admits students with a Master’s qualification in research in biology from a French or European Union University and others coming from medical and pharmaceutical Training and Research Units (UFRs), elite engineering schools (“grandes écoles”) and from training in chemistry or physics.

Any student wishing to study for a thesis in the ED 418 (whether or not an applicant for a grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research) will be interviewed by the Scientific and Teaching Committee of the ED. 
By the end of 2012, 344 theses had been presented.

> To learn more about the Doctoral School of Oncology

> To learn more about the Master’s Degree in Oncology

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