Head and Neck Cancer IPD Meta-Analysis Protocols
Méta-Analyses et cancers ORL
ASCO 2020 - Head and Neck cancer meta-analysis poster
- Surrogate endpoint on overall survival
- Locoregional treatment versus locoregional treatment + chemotherapy (1965-2000)
Locoregional treatment versus locoregional treatment + chemotherapy (1965-2010)
- Meta-analysis of Amifostine in radiotherapy
Meta-analysis of radiotherapy in carcinomas of head and neck
Meta-analysis of radiotherapy in carcinomas of head and neck - The HPV project
- Meta-analysis of chemotherapy in naso-pharynx carcinoma (1988-2010)
(+ Addendum on surrogate endpoint evaluation for overall survival)
Meta-analysis of chemotherapy in naso-pharynx carcinoma (1988-2016)
- Meta-analysis of Taxane-cisplatin-5FU as induction chemotherapy in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Network meta-analysis on treatments of non-metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
Meta-analysis in locally advanced squamous cell cancers of head and neck on anti-EGFR therapy
Development of restricted mean survival time difference in network meta-analysis
Individual patient data meta-analysis of chemotherapy in head and neck cancer: effects of chemotherapy for patients treated with surgery
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